it's been ages (2 months i think?) since i last update my blog. well, to be frank, i was lazy; well, not to mention that i was also busy
anyway, PSPM (peperiksaan semester program matrikulasi) was over about 2 weeks ago. to sum it up, PSPM gave us heart attack. maths paper 1 was quite easy, in fact, it's easier that UPS, coz i got a lousy D+. haha
on the contrary, paper 2 was damn hard. i dont even . understand what the question wants me to do. oh well.
chemistry was the killer paper. it started with paper 2, and the killer wave hit us like a tsunami.
even question 1(a) was a killer. it was extreamly simple: balance the equation. but, there was an unknown. let me give you an analogy:
HxO + ____ will produce ________
x can be 2 or 3 right?
but of cause it was not a common equation like h20 or, i didnt waste my time answering that 1 mark Q. anyway, the whole paper was rather hard. well, if the straight A1 scorers (esp chinese) can go back and collect buckets and buckets of tears, then it must be darn hard for us average students, huh? what i'm trying to say is, the top scorers also find it hard. after going through the hellish paper 2, i think everyone would say paper 1 was easy.
although it's not THAT easy, but still, much much more easier than paper 2.
anyway, if you were in kml ( or any other matriculation colleges, i assume experience the same phenomena) you will see the worst science students mood. everyone was walking moodily, as if the dementors (read harry potter if you dont know what is that) has just suck their life out of them. the dorm was damn quiet, people pulling long and sour faces, sulking and.. well.. to cut it short, it was an ugly sight.
biology was the only paper that was obviously designed by sane people. it was average. not easy not difficult, just average. so, i must say, thank you to whoever they are.
then, after the PSPM is over, I had to face and sit for my MUET (malaysian university english test). i was edgy and nervous for the speaking test. but thank god everything when well. it wasn't THAT bad really. but i dont know how good or how bad i did. i'm just praying for the best.
thanks to the MUET speaking test, i had to stay back in college extra long. thank god all my roommates had to stay back too, so i had company. so after the speaking test, i was delirious with joy and really look forward to coming back to kk. it feels great!

my MUET group members: razmie, adrian lee, fazliana and me
happily taken after the speaking test
so here i am, holidaying. downloading and watching movie and drama till i drop.
and here's the list of movie and drama i watched recently in college and at home:
1st Shop of Coffee Prince (drama)
My Girl (drama)
Yoo Hee The Witch (drama)
Daisy (movie)
Doremifasolatido (movie)
Heartbreak Library (movie)
Hello Highschool Girl
Love Phobia (movie)
Someone Special (movie)
Wet Dreams (movie)
SuJu Movie
Hana Yori Dango (drama) -drama berbuka puasa =)
Meichan No Shitsuji (drama) - really sweet
My Boss My Hero (drama) - very funny
1 Liter of Tears (drama) - as the title indicate, very sad. my roommate always had kleenex by her side
Nightmare Detective (movie) - you die in your dream, you die in real life
Detective Conan The Movie - very cute, like the Conan + some romance
Koizora The Movie - very touching, looking forward to watch the drama
High School Musical 3- Senior Year
Lemony's Snickets: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Monster Vs Aliens
Slumdog Millionare
Bride War
Ice Age 3
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (dont like it, altho i'm a HP fan)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
(the last 3, was a movie marathon with my mum, hehe)
well, holiday is coming to an end. i will be going back to KML on friday, and sit for MUET listening, reading and writing test on saturday. then on monday, it will be the beginning of a new semester in KML.
so SEM II, here i come!!~~
p/s: the water problem ain't that bad anymore. water tank comes to kml everyday, so we dont need to go water hunting. even though only the ground floor have water, we really appreciate that ^^