Sunday, March 29, 2009
Milo The Malt Drink
ring a bell?
okay here's some hint: green can or box? with the word ANTIGEN E on it? or maybe some athlete? or kids?
if you still have no faintest idea on what on earth is this thing called milo, then obviously you were not born and raised in Malaysia. but still, even non malaysian knows MILO *sigh*
okay, why milo? why i chose to write about milo? thanks to Kanivanan who, well, suggested that i write about milo. which initially i said no. but things change and i decide to write about MILO. and i shall tell the story after these facts (though i dont know how factual this is):
here's some very, ahem, interesting facts about MILO:
1. it is a nestle product which originated from australia
2. our dear Malaysia account for 90% of the world wide consumption of MILO. yes, you heard me right. ninety percent.
3. try making a cold cup of milo and microwave it for 40-60 seconds, then you will have a layer of milo biscuit on top =)
4. there is an organisation called "Milo Cricket" which operates in most areas by volunteers.
5. there is such thing as MILO dinosaur. dont believe? try checking out the official milo website. you can make one yourself by adding extra undisolved milo powder on top of a glass of disolved milo
6. the is also such thing as MILO godzilla: a cup of Milo with ice cream and/or topped with whipped cream. god knows why they give such weird names
7. Neslo, i believe most of you tried this before. nescafe+milo=neslo. we need some maths here
8. It is also sometimes used as an alternative to jam and put in bread or also as an ingredient in roti canai. obviously i didnt know this, coz i've never been to a mamak stall, so much so for being a malaysian
well, here's a real life story that happened yesterday and which i would like to share.
*mum walking into the kitchen*
Mum : Von! you want tea?
Von : No, i want milo. with milk
*Von follows mum into the kitchen and saw mum making drinks*
Von : May, ko sudah simpan susu? [mom, have you added milk?] *opens the fridge and look at the 2 cartons of milk. fresh milk and soya bean milk*
Mom : sudah [already]
Von: *looks at mom* susu apa ko taru? *open the cap of the fresh milk which is still sealed*
*looks at each other and laugh*
well, what happened was that my mum added SOYA BEAN milk into my cup of milo instead of fresh milk. so, a new recipe was created. actually it taste more like chocolate flavoured soyabean milk than soya bean flavoured milo!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
National Service: Cikgu Yna
she's rather close to my mentor, cg miza. they even tricked lin and i once *sigh*. it has something to do with kit layout, which i'll explain in cg miza's post. obviously cg miza was the mastermind while cg reena simply just play and tag along , but still! that was one of the worst trick done on us in the camp. whatever happened between them later on i dont know, but they work pretty well especially when it comes to training the camp representative for the netball match, which we got 2nd.
cg reena have a very cute way of expressing herself. i remember when we anyam the leaves for the closing ceremony backdrop, she got so irritated coz she keeps doing it the wrong way. it came to a point when she gave up and looked like she was going to cry, stood up, stamped her feet and went to do something else. she said she'd rather stop dealing with the leaves before she does any more damage to the poor leaves. lol.
besides that, it was raining and both of us wanted to go to the washroom. we were walking halfway when she suddenly realised that she forgot to take her dorm key, made a turn, sulk or rather made faces and started to stamp her feet again. hahaha! she looks like a little girl who just demanded a lollipop from her father. well, at least she took my advice to just go to the wirawati's washroom instead of going back for the key, and have to take off her boots and all again. in a way, i think i see myself in her, because i do that too sometimes, sulking, and stamping my feet =)
oh dear, i look damn fat and short here *sigh*
there was one day when she actually went almost below the table just to chase after a cat. seriously she can go crazy when she sees cats. if it's possible, she would carry and hug the cat. but ironicly, when the mother cat went into her room, she didnt dare to carry or shoo it out. she looked at cg sharah expecting her to deal with the mother cat, which finally cg sharah had the honour to shoo the cat away. haha.
talking about cats, when the cats come to my dorm, sometimes i would carry them to dorm C and ask the cat to wait for cg reena to come back and deal with them, haha.. but it never worked out coz the cats will always come back to my dorm, until we have to close the door *sigh*
overall she's nice, a bit garang yet adorable and kuat merajuk (jokingly la, nothing serious). i remember she merajuk coz i brought ole-ole for cg sharah from kuching, but non for her... haha.. but! cg sharah promised to share the ole-ole with her. not my fault what, my mum told me to give the ole-ole to the teacher "who send and pick me up from the airport"! besides, it's not like i purposedly hand the thing over to cg sharah in front of her, the problem is everytime i went and look for cg sharah, she's not in. i walked all the way to her dorm 5 times before i can hand the thing over to her, you know!
National Service: Cikgu Salmah

she's the one with the tiara
one very weird thing that happen between us was when one day, she called me and asked me which dorm am i from? i told her i'm from dorm F. and she wouldnt believe. she kept insisting that i'm from dorm B. till this day, i never figured out why on earth she thinks i'm from dorm B. i wonder if anyone there looks like me? hmmm
that's me, cg afni, cg salmah and cg liny
well, i have nothing much to talk about her.. she's cute. that's all i can say =)
check this out if you wanna smile, told you i cant stay away from her blog!
National Service: Cikgu Irma
okay, so today, i'm thinking of writing about our facilitators aka jurulatih aka cikgu in the camp.
so i shall start with jurulatih fizikal, starting with dorm A.
dorm A: cikgu irma.
she has a very nice name, irma nirwana. well, at least it rhymes, right? the first time i talked to her was when i was on duty during the 1st hari lawatan keluarga. my first impression on her was not THAT good (except for he nice name). not friendly, garang and what's with her PR? for quite some time i was not comfortable with her PR and how she treated others. i should probably write about what happened during the 1st hari lawatan keluarga in another post, otherwise i'll be dragging this post again.
anyway, i heard a lot of bad remarks about her, especially among the chinese wirawatis. i can say 80% of them anti her initially, i dont know about now though. all i know was that they will sulk at the mere mention of her name. then one day, i was talking to some chinese wirawatis, and i asked her she is from which dorm. she said dorm A. and i said, oh dorm cg irma, so unlucky, coz she's strict. she looked at me and said: why does everyone say that? she's okay, nice and concern. to tell you the truth, that was the 1st time i heard anything positive about her from the chinese. no doubt i was surprise.
then one day, during the AKPK talk (if i'm not mistaken), i wanted to go to the lue. knowing that i'm going back to the dorm, she asked me to call cg afni for duty. then when i came back, i told her that cg afni was asleep and she will come down shortly. to my surprise, she actually smiled and said thank you. that was the first time i saw her smile. *speechless* since that incident, she kindda changed a bit of my impression on her, more positive =)
i think i only started to get a bit closer to her during the last probably 1 month in the camp, thanks to recycle. if you were my schoolmate, you would have known that i'm into recycle, thanks to the KITS project by my dear kelab kebajikan. so the story goes like this: since she was the only person collecting aluminium can in the camp, i just simply cant help it.. i just have to send those aluminium cans to her, so that's partially how i got a bit closer to her, coz i always send stuff to her dorm.

best friends, wearing identical jubah
actually she's a very nice, friendly, concern and sweet lady. you just have to put in some afford to get to know her. i know she's very nice to Alpha wirawatis, giving them support and all, coz i've seen her doing it. she's so concern to the point that she forced 1 chinese wirawati to eat. 1st she watch her take the food, then watch her eat then watch her do the dishes. (this story comes from the mouth of the wirawati herself, i didnt make it up, i dont know if she made it up though, but i dont think so) some people think that she is bias, especially to the chinese. well, maybe partly true. i've heard that it's because she thinks they are not well integrated.
overall i find her very nice, probably she just have to improve a bit on her PR and watch her mouth. she have the tendency to speak with a loud voice and sometimes a bit too sarcastic. either way, i still like her. probably because i can see a parallel line between her and cg chua ^^
there was once while i was taking my dishes, cg irma and cg ziela were near by. then suddenly i heard cg irma asking cg ziela what's my name (it's not the first time, she always forgets my name). out of curiousity, i turned around and ask her why she asked for my name. then she say she wants to pinjam my phone *speechless* coz she wants to looks at my themes. how weird..
i'll remember that she and cg ziela were the 2 JLs that stayed up whole night doing our backdrop, that's one sacrifice they did for us. but i kindda feel unfair, probably coz in school, we are the ones doing the backdrop, the teachers are there to just facilitate us only. but here, they did everything for us. for that reason, i think one of the sweetest moment with her was when i helped her, cg ziela and cg reena (yna) to do the backdrop for the closing ceremony. that's one memory i'll never forget, though it's such a simple memory.
and last but not least, the million dollar memory :
it was her idea to take such a pose. "mari kita angkat dia" that's what she said
Monday, March 16, 2009
My 18th Birthday
and another special thing about this year's birthday is that i get to 'celebrate' my belated birthday with some iscep members =)

the cake, without the dressing looks rather ridiculous!. that's jara's hand =)
for once, i didnt stay up and wait for my birthday to come.. when i woke up, there's a Q of messages in my inbox already.
the first to wish me was ruth grace!
even JJ remembers my birthday (wow!)
some even send me cute mms like lilian and debby..
some even pointed out how OLD i am and that i'm an adult already, like ricky. for once he remembers my birthday!
people from afar, like hazli, jessel, neville, fifieyana and marziney sms too
even my NS friends like laura, izza, hee and susan also remembers!
and my best friend, bel actually forgoten my birthday (walaweh, every year lupa! no wonder she buat duhh only in church..huahua)
so here's a list of people i wanna thank for wishing me a happy birthday..
16. natalie vanessa
32. dynna
via facebook
geraldine, nicole, jara, me, juliza, jacinta, rendall, aunty norhanida, jasmine
61. sula kanageswary who gave me a present ^^
did i miss anyone out? i hope not! but still, even if i miss you all out, thanks alot ya! it's the thoughts that counts ;-)
in case you are wondering, my birthday cake is blueberry cheese =)
but this year not from secret recipe la.. got tired of secret recipe already..haha!
*edited :
62. mccarnessa
63. hansen kasil
Thursday, March 12, 2009
SPM: result finally out!
i woke up in the morning knowing that it's going to be the day. it was 6.05am, kindda late, well at least it's considered late since i've been waking up at 5.45am or so for the past 2 and a half months. but 6.05am is still 'early' when you are at home, right? hehe..
so yeah, finally i woke up at god-knows-when, shower, put 2 slices of bread into the toaster and made myself a cup of nesvita, dry my hair and sat in front of the comp, doing nothing. well, i missed the internet terribly what! and it turned out that my internet went dead for the rest of the day,damn it (sorry!)
p/s: i edited the posting date, in case you are wondering..
anyway, moving on... i finally get dressed up and was on the way to school at about 10.3am or so, feeling a bit anxious and dont know what to expect of my result. i was just hoping that at least i get 8A's. that's when Jubili called: Yvonne? where the hell are you? can you like come now? fast? i mean like now? very fast? i was like monologuing can you not swear at me? lol. anyway, his phone call sounds like good news. so finally reached the school and the first thing that came to mind was: is this my school? or is it my camp? fact was both those places have the same fencing design! pinkish red concrete below plus green chain linked fencing. when i was in camp, i used to think that it looks like my school, now it's the other way round! hmm....
when i entered the school compound, i kindda feel awkward. i can see lots of juniors, i mean juniors as in form 1 students who looks innocent but i doubt they are, hehe. so i just ignore them and move along, wondering where on earth are my classmates and friends. finally i saw them! but i didn't even actually get the chance to greet them. everyone was like busy trying to make us take photos and congratulating me for i-have-no-idea-why. i was like teacher, where can i get my result? for like 3 times before mdm jennifer finally handed me my result. the photographing continued, so i didnt get the chance to look at my result. all i know was that marie yong pulling me to her side and jennifer! come here!
after the so called glamour-for-no-reason session, i finally got my eyes on my result and went and look for my dad to show off my result ( i know i'm vain, but i can only show off to my family, haha). well, i was grateful with my result, but i'd be much happier getting 8 A1's and 3 A2's. haha. anyway, that was not my result la. my result wasn't as good as that, but it's good enough to make people around me happy. that's the whole point! a family friend was much more excited than my dad, haha!
anyway, after that we went to the principal room to be interviewed. i'm not a straight A student but i was there just because i have an extra A for taking up the subject i cursed during SPM : principle of accounting. ironic huh? the interview was okay... but it came to a point where i was so glad that marie yong was not around when the question was posted. the reporter was asking if we are in the same study group. frankly speaking, i never considered what my friends and i did as group study, so i said no. the smart ass boy (you all know who he is) looked at shana and me and said: no, just the two of us *pointing at me and him* guess what the reporter asked? are you couple? i was like god, why does everyone have that idea? even an outsider who just met us for less than 20 mins? we didn't even do ANYthing at all!! i could only say NO!~ thank god ricky was still sane enough to explain: no, just friends, best friends. *sigh* well, come to think of it now, i guess we can consider what we did as group study, since we do study and do our homework together a lot.
after that, we went to the school hall. another embarrassing experience which i shall not share here in detail. just something cg maimon mentioned and asked about us. well, at least for ONCE she didn't go di mana ada ricky, di situ ada yvonne. i'll go like terjun lombong oh! luckyly the lombong is one china sea away! otherwise it would be double suicide. so geramji la wei! oh yeah, she even pointed out the obvious: i'm darker now. sheesh!
though i'm quite happy with my result, but it's not exactly satisfying, but still i'm grateful. but there are certain things that happened which made me a bit unhappy, but i shall not talk about that here either. hmm.. but i'm proud of my school. 24 of us getting 7A's and above =)
- Bahasa Melayu - 1A
- Bahasa Inggeris - 1A GCE-O - 1A
- Pengetahuan Moral - 2A
- Sejarah - 1A
- Mathematics - 1A
- Additional Mathematics - 3B
- Prinsip Perakaunan - 2A LCCI - 3
- Physics - 2A
- Chemistry - 2A
- Biology - 1A
- English for Science and Technology - 1A