i'm halfway reading through obnoxious 5xmom, but i stopped. because i know if i dont, i will keep on reading and reading and reading and i'll forget all about my intention of nagging, ranting and posting about what i wanted to nag, rant and blog.
today, i accompanied my sister to town, shopping for material, again. and i got myself a pair of POWER jogging shoes. i dont opt for nike or adidas and all. power aint bad what. besides, i dont have the patients to take goooood care of my shoes, so better go for the cheaper but still comfortable ones. actually i wanted a walking shoes, but.. oh well never mind. on the way home, my dad told me that my PLKN/NS letters are FINALLY here. gosh!!.. my friend got hers like exactly 2 weeks ago!! never mind that.
so after trashing everything in the room, i opened the registered mail (not with a letter opener though, i dont own or need one). and voila! the envelope literally vomited everything from its stomach. and guess what's inside?

my surat pemberitahuan/ notification letter, borang pendaftaran peserta/registration form, buku panduan/manual and insurans.

very nice bus ticket. probably flying the army craft, cool!
there's like at least 11 letter/ forms + 1 manual. ELEVEN. so i pick up the most important letter, the surat makluman or whatever you call it while my sister also busy body with the rest of the content of the envelop. the only interesting part of the letter is a bus ticket. rights. then i quickly go through the rest of the letters/ forms, and there's like THREE ( i think it's 3) medical forms. like why on earth do we need three medical forms to prove that we are healthy or not? sheesh. well, never mind. i think i should go through them one more time to see the rational.
eh you know! they even have garis panduan tatacara pengendalian pemerikasaan perubatan peserta PLKN oleh pegawai perubatan dan pakar perubatan! why do we need that ah? oh! maybe its for the people in the klinik desa hor??
but they are sweet enough to give us a check list!
but i dont understand why semua dokumen di atas perlu dibawa bersama semasa melapor diri. i mean, why do we need to bring...
but it's interesting. lol. i'm not trying to find their mistake. i just wanna share my JOY. i mean... i'm laughing at it, you might laugh too? either that, or you'll go like OI AMOI YOU THINK YOU SO PERFECT AND KNOW EVERYTHING AH?? GO DIE LAAAAAtoday, i accompanied my sister to town, shopping for material, again. and i got myself a pair of POWER jogging shoes. i dont opt for nike or adidas and all. power aint bad what. besides, i dont have the patients to take goooood care of my shoes, so better go for the cheaper but still comfortable ones. actually i wanted a walking shoes, but.. oh well never mind. on the way home, my dad told me that my PLKN/NS letters are FINALLY here. gosh!!.. my friend got hers like exactly 2 weeks ago!! never mind that.
so after trashing everything in the room, i opened the registered mail (not with a letter opener though, i dont own or need one). and voila! the envelope literally vomited everything from its stomach. and guess what's inside?

my surat pemberitahuan/ notification letter, borang pendaftaran peserta/registration form, buku panduan/manual and insurans.

very nice bus ticket. probably flying the army craft, cool!
my three medical forms including the tatacara pengedalian pemeriksaan perubatan stuff (read below)
anyway, what irritates and made me laugh were some ridiculous medical questions:BAHAGIAN 2wahahaha.. i dont want to write anymore.. otherwise i'll be stretching my post. hehe..
pernahkah anda menghadapi penyakit-penyakit berikut?
loosely translated as:
have you ever been diagnosed by the following sickness?
1. dizziness, blacked out or fanting (who never get dizziness oh? well, in malay its written as masalah pening, so you never pening ah?)
16. gastritis/abdominal pain. i bet every 17 year old had this at least once la k.. who never get stomach ache?
18. angin pasang (hernia). okay i dont know what is this, but angin pasang is funny.
22. deformities-physical/senses. oh shit. i do! i have very weird senses one! i cant smell people farting (if i can means that it must stinks a lot!) but i can smell/sense smoke from far-far away if some one do burn something or smoke. and i hate it! pollute my lungs and give me sore lungs.
24. cigarette smoking,
25. alcohol consumption. i never knew that cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption are penyakit/ sickness! sheesh!. but yeah, i'm a sabahan, i have kadazan blood running in me, and i'm no muslim. so of cause i consume alcohol. it's culture and tradition la!
26. pernahkah anda pengambil dadah (substance used). as far as i'm concern, medicine = drugs = dadah. hye, what's substance used ah?
31. date of last menstruation. sheesh. i dont know. i dont keep track one! i know roughly when la, but i dont know the exact date. need exact date or no ah?
32. pregnant. aiya, if pregnant, no need go medical check up also know cannot go PLKN loh ah moi!!
1. sekiranya anda menjawab ADA atau TIDAK PASTI pada mana-mana jawapan bahagian 1 dan 2 di atas, and dikehendaki menjalani pemeriksaan perubatan di klinik kesiihatan kerajaan yang berhampiran.
means that... if you ever have dizziness/ headache/ migraine/ gastik/ abdominal pain aka sakit perut (all this are listed in the form), then you have to get medical check up. in short, everyone gets free medical check up! yay!! coz everyone must have experienced one of the above. right??????
eh you know! they even have garis panduan tatacara pengendalian pemerikasaan perubatan peserta PLKN oleh pegawai perubatan dan pakar perubatan! why do we need that ah? oh! maybe its for the people in the klinik desa hor??
but they are sweet enough to give us a check list!
but i dont understand why semua dokumen di atas perlu dibawa bersama semasa melapor diri. i mean, why do we need to bring...
3.borang menangguhan
4. borang permohonan pengecualian (okay la, maybe for those yg wanna tangguh or dikecualiakan)
8. garis panduan tatacara pengendalian pemerikasaan perubatan peserta PLKN
10. spesifikasi perkhidmatan perlindungan insuran bagi pelatih PLKN
p/s: ah moi aint that bad! *smiles innocently*la la la....
wahh! u got masok plkn ka? cool! (not for me!) haha!
ReplyDeletebtw, plkn area sabah? >.<
haha, yup! kena plkn, leaving tomoro (as in 27 nov). i'm more worried about being friend sick than home sick nie..haisshh
ReplyDeleteoh, yeah.. me not area sabah.. me kena selangor.. kem millennium, beranang. dunno mana tue...huhu
hey i google about plkn then i found ur blog. u got plkn too ? haihh same here.
ReplyDeletehye there ieda, yup, i got plkn too. where are you from and which camp are you posted in?
ReplyDeletei enjoyed plkn, i hope you get into a good camp and enjoy urs too.
u gonna be in next year 1st batch is it? heard it will begin on 2nd jan?
I, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree
ReplyDeletelooking for any PLKN gift or PLKN Alumni gift.Visit us at PLKNgift.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletethe most hate in my life is plkn but i got that i feel like i'll over my life there
ReplyDeleteI dont really understand what you are trying to say, nasira?
ReplyDeletebut anyway, dont worry, PLKN was cool, you might enjoy it too, just like many other people :)
hi admin, i was wondering if u were chosen in batch 1? and i need to have more info for plkn... do u mind email me at lynevee@ymail.com thanks a lot and i'll be very grateful for everything :)