Thursday, December 11, 2008

lately, no mood to blog.

i think, it's because i read too much blog that day.then i got bored of blog. lol it's not like i have nothing to blog about, but i'm just too lazy to type.

nothing much happened yesterday. i was in city mall when hazli called and said: tomorrow datang ah! and i, innocently asked: tomorrow? not thursday ka? and he said: tomorrow is thursday la! gosh. i really lost track of time!

so today i woke up "early" coz ms chua texted me, for the whole day. haha! after replying her message, i went back to sleep and woke up at 10, shower, lunch and headed to Lido to photostate my statement of financial report. and voila! for the first time, i came in early for the meeting. 15 mins earlier!

it was yet one of the boring meetings. heh. initially it wasnt that boring, but when it started to get out of topic, and i itched to replied those pending sms, i got bored. ISCEP have a lot of pending activities, which i wont be able to join, thanks to PLKN/NS. some of the activities are
theater (january)
dancing workshop (february)
anual party/gathering (dunno when)
instrumental fussion (dunno when either)
book publishing (due may)

well, overall these few days has been boring. still the same old rutine : sleep, eat, talk, shower, housework, movie.

who shall i write about next? i'm thinking of ms chua. hehehe. today i learnt a new proverb from her: "out of sight, out of mind" meaning if you dont see, you will forget (that's what she told me)


  1. I think you know me very well....i know ur wondering who is this....

  2. BUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH look into my eyes....

  3. you devil! =)
    never mind, this is the place where all devil assemble after all!

    yeah, i know you.. i wont post your name here though!
